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Letter from Principal Pierce

Monica Pierce


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August 8, 2024

Dearest Viking Family, 

As we embark upon another school year, we are excited to welcome all of our new and returning scholars to join us on this journey of learning and growth. We hope that your summer was filled with rest, relaxation, and meaningful experiences that have prepared you for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Our dedicated Viking faculty and staff have been working hard to prepare for your return and we can't wait to see you in the classrooms and hallways. 

As we quickly approach our first ½  day of school on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, we would like to highlight our new staff, athletics and clubs. 

Welcome to our NEW JHS STAFF:

Ashley Adams- Social Studies 
Jeff Blackwell- TA
Ian Bradley- TA 
Nicoletta Bradley- TA
Mitchell Ernst - German/ELL
Clifton Foster- Pathways, JHS 11th grade Asst. Administrator 
Abigail Lemek- MSU Intern (Mrs. Double)
Angela Mitchell- SE Supervisor
Margaret Neal- Special Education
Shirly Ni- MSU Intern (Mr Martin)
Cornel Taylor Jr. - Behavioral Interventionist
Francis Walick- TA 
Rachel Williamson- Special Education



  • August 14- PowerSchool open to view class schedule - All day - Schedules will be available in PowerSchool or hard copies can be picked up at the Open House on 8/20/24 in the cafeteria.

  • August 15- Freshmen Viking Voyage (freshman scholars only) @ 8:30am- 12:30pm

  • August 19- Viking Family Open House (all families welcome) @ 6:00-8:00pm

  • August 21- Senior Sunrise & First ½ Day of School @7:25- 10:45am Homeroom (7:25- 7:45 a.m.)

  • August 22 and 23- First full days of school @7:25am- 2:19pm 

  • August 30 & September 2 - No school

  • October 4- Homecoming Parade, Alumni basketball game, Football game vs Adrian 

  • October 5- Homecoming Dance 8:00- 11:00pm


Be sure to return the Student Health Information form and the Education Benefits Form as they are required for each new school year. If your address or phone number has changed, please let us know immediately. We appreciate you. 

ATHLETICS: The school year is just around the corner, fall sports teams are also gearing up for their first official practices. If you are interested in participating in fall sports, it is not too late. Please contact the athletic office for details @ 517-841-3715. 



Chess and Debate Club

Chess and Debate Club

Advisor: Mr. Savicke (014)

Code Club

Code Club

Advisor: Mr. Booher (012)
2:30-3:30 pm
Coffee & Tea Club

Coffee & Tea Club

Advisor: Mr. Wedgwood (009)
2:30-3:00 pm


Advisor: Mr. Cunningham (220)
Mondays & Wednesdays


Advisor:Ms. Lawrie-Smith (202)
2:30 pm
J-High Gamers

J-High Gamers

Advisor: Mr. Crowley (216)
2:30-3:30 pm
Key Club

Key Club

Advisor: Vacant
2:30 pm
National Honors Society

National Honors Society

Advisor: Mrs. Backus
Dates/Times:  TBD
Location:  Media Center
Must meet qualifications for membership
Prayer Club

Prayer Club

Advisor: Mr. Ulstad (310)
2:30- 3:00
Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Club

Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Club

Advisor: Mr. Martin (301)
2:30 - 3:30 pm
Viking Robotics

Viking Robotics

Advisor: Vacant (011)
2:30 pm 
Daily during Robotics Season
Student Government

Student Government

Advisor:  Mr. Barkholz (201)
10:00am -Wednesdays
9th Grade Viking Pride

9th Grade Viking Pride

Advisor: Vacant
7:05am on Thursdays
Room TBA
11th Grade Viking Pride

11th Grade Viking Pride

Advisor: Mrs. Mendez
7:05am on Thursdays
Media Center
10th Grade Viking Pride

10th Grade Viking Pride

Advisor: Mrs. Bush 
7:05am- Thursdays
Media Center
Senior Advisory & Prom Committee

Senior Advisory & Prom Committee

Advisor: Mrs. Newbound (007)
7:00 am on Friday

Thank you in advance for your commitment to and support of our learning environment, our teachers and your scholar. If your scholar is not finding success in the classroom, our entire Viking staff is willing and ready to assist. Please reach out to their respective grade counselor and they will connect you with the appropriate resources. 

We are anticipating an exciting school year filled with memories, celebrations, and growth!! Let's make this a school year one to remember! 

Monica Pierce
Principal for Instruction
Jackson High School 
Ericca Scott-Administrative Assistant- 841-3702
Hannah DeCorte- Counselor- 841-3720



Clifton Foster
JHS Assistant Principal (11th Gr.)
Pathways Principal for Instruction
Alexis Hackett- Admin. Assistant
Jill Raymond- Counselor- 841-3722
Anthony Coffie 
JHS Assistant Principal (10th Gr.)
Machelle Shelton-Admin. Assistant
Jamie Bleiler- Counselor- 841-3781
Joe Zessin 
JHS Assistant Principal (9th Gr.)
Tracy Ambs- Admin. Assistant
Cecilia Said- Counselor- 841-3727
It's a great day logo